how do you make origami

how do you make origami

how do you make origami

how do you make origami

how do you make origami

how do you make origami

how do you make origami
how do you make origami

how do you make origami

how do you make origami

how do you make origami

how do you make origami

how do you make origami

1. Begin with an absolutely rectangular shape item of paper
Paper designed particularly for origami can be found

At most art stores. It is usually shady only on

One aspect. I used an item that was shady on both aspects.

2. Begin by collapsible one part to fulfill to other,
With the shady aspect exterior...
   get this.

3. Begin up the newspaper and lay it sleek.
Now does it again stage 2 in the other path?

And start it up again.

4. Periods it diagonally with the shiny aspect out (pink here).
Line it up aspect to aspect...
   get this.
5. Begin up the newspaper, repeat
Step 4 in the other path, and

Open up the newspaper again.
6. Lay the newspaper with the shiny aspect up. (Pink here)
Bring in the aspect aspects, while bringing

The top aspect down...
   get this.
how do you make origami

how do you make origami

how do you make origami

7. with the aspect looking towards the left
In this image, times one aspect of the square

So that the part is protected up with the center variety...
   get this.
8. Do it again stage 7 with the other flap?
9. Move the newspaper over and does it again stage 7 for
The other two flap.
10. Periods the top flap down and anti-aging complicated...
   get this. Now times it the same way in the
Opposite path.
how do you make origami

how do you make origami

how do you make origami

11. Begin up one aspect, and lay it sleek.
12. Increase the top flap on the end (the lower
End in this picture) and times it up-wards, bringing

In the edges...
... And lay sleek to get this.
13. Move the newspaper over and do it again activities 11 & 12
For the other aspect...